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I am a gameplay programmer. To me, that means being the closest to the player, designing experiences directly for them, and putting yourself in their place when anticipating thoughts and responses. I rely on a repertoire of tools to assist me in my job, including focused playtesting and iterative design strategies.


My recent work at NIO USA has helped me develop my programming skills and become much more experienced with Unity3D. Although I focus on animation from a tools perspective, understanding the interactions at each step of the way has aided my process of easing the pipelines to creating new content. The pitches I've done for this project have brought it from a solo internship project through to a team workflow with dedicated resources, timelines, and deliverables.


My years of experience playing as well as designing both digital and tabletop games gives me perspective into the minds of both players and designers. I apply these skills in both the design and development sides of game creation. Through my work as both a designer and programmer, I attempt to bridge the gap between player and creator allowing everyone to collaboratively tell their unique stories.

In my personal time, I continue to expand on my portfolio of games. In doing so, I am collecting skills and techniques, while enhancing the background I received from my education at UC Santa Cruz. I hope to bring my self-motivation and drive to succeed along with my collaborative skills and coding experience to any position I am in.

Games and collaborative story-telling mediums have always intrigued me. I hope to contribute to the ever-growing field with my skills and perspective, to work with others to build something larger than ourselves, and to create experiences that will exist in the minds of players forever

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